Within the scope of EU Erasmus+ projects, in the 3rd phase of our project numbered 2020-1-TR01-KA105-086618 and supported by the European Union, titled “Youth Exchange from Anatolia to Europe, from Europe to Anatolia”, young people living in Germany and Turkey were invited to a nature camp. We plan to establish communication and interaction among each other by bringing them together.

During the 7-day program in and out of the camp area; Various activities will be organized in which the participating youth will develop their social and sports skills and increase their cultural equipment.

At the end of the program, participants will be awarded a YouthPass certificate.

  • Who Can Participate?

    Anyone between the ages of 19-24 can participate in the program.

    20 participants from Turkey and 40 participants from Germany will be admitted to the program.

    Travel, accommodation, meals and visa expenses of the participants will be covered throughout the project.

  • Program Content

    The program will take place in Istanbul and will last seven days.

    The program starts when the participants gather in Istanbul on 17.12.2021 and move to the camping area. In addition to sports activities such as paintball, archery, trekking, football and volleyball in the campsite; Various social and cultural activities will be organized outside the campsite.

    Some of these activities are:

    – Historical peninsula tour

    – Beykoz tour

    – Visiting museums and palaces

    – Archers foundation visit

    – canoe

    In addition, games and competitions will be held at the end of each day, accompanied by a campfire, so that the participants can get to know each other closely and have cultural exchanges.

    The program ends on 23.12.2021 when the participants return to their countries and cities.

  • Program Schedule

    17.12.2021 – 23.12.2021

  • Application Link

    Application deadline has passed.

  • Program Location

    Our project will take place in Istanbul, Turkey.

Just as SpinAUD gives everyone a chance to win, we at TÜGVA are committed to providing educational and personal growth opportunities for young people. We believe that learning and skill development is the real-life spinning of the wheel of fortune that leads to great achievements.